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随着 Meta 宣布首次分红,马克·扎克伯格将每年获得 7 亿美元的收入

jdgip 2024-04-29


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Meta Platforms Inc (NASDAQ:META) announces inaugural dividend, potentially yielding CEO Mark Zuckerberg an estimated annual payout of $700 million.What Happened: Meta has communicated its decision to reward investors with a quarterly cash dividend of 50 cents per share for Class A and B common stock, commencing in March, Bloomberg reported on Thursday. With a stake of about 350 million shares, Zuckerberg is estimated to receive close to $175 million each quarter before taxes.The dividend announcement signifies Meta's outlook on growth, as tech firms on a rapid growth trajectory often skip dividends, preferring to reinvest profits into new product development or

随着 Meta 宣布首次分红,马克·扎克伯格将每年获得 7 亿美元的收入
随着 Meta 宣布首次分红,马克·扎克伯格将每年获得 7 亿美元的收入
随着 Meta 宣布首次分红,马克·扎克伯格将每年获得 7 亿美元的收入

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